
Countdowns for kids
Countdowns for kids

countdowns for kids

We’ve listed a few of our favorites along with affiliate links for your convenience. Share some fun books about the new year, traditions and resolutions. Or grab this done for you set of 2019 Photo Booth printables on Amazon complete with sticks!ġ2:00 noon – Countdown New Year’s Eve with Books

countdowns for kids

New Year’s Eve bowtie, hats and clock from Kristen Duke Photography


Use these free printables for your photo booth: You can even do shots of the kids hour by hour as you countdown throughout the day. Give your kids a theme - like ‘Favorite Books read in 2019’ or just set up a fun place to take some crazy photos. Or try the tradition of eating 12 grapes at midnight and making a wish for each one! ( we do this at 12 noon instead of midnight and don’t forget to cut the grapes if you have younger kids 🙂 Many cultures also believe that eating lentils or beans on New Year’s Eve will bring wealth for the new year. Norway: A New Year’s custom from Norway is to make rice pudding with one almond in it on New Year’s day - when you serve the pudding, the person with the almond in their dish is said to have wealth in the coming year. Germany: Another fun tradition shared with us from Red Ted Art involves Marzipan Pigs and good luck! Mexico: Try these fun traditions from Mexico shared by Kid World Citizen that kids will enjoy on New Year’s Eve! Note: The kids may insist on running to their rooms to change their underwear once you read this! Here are some awesome ones to start with: Introduce your kids to new cultures and expand their knowledge and appreciation of the world!Īnd since the New Year is celebrated around the world, this is a wonderful opportunity to share how people in other countries bring in the new year!! One of the books we really love is Kids Around the World Celebrate!: The Best Feasts and Festivals from Many Lands since it shares various customs from around the worl for many celebrations.


The pack also includes: a sample Countdown schedule & New Year’s Eve ideas for families a list of New Year’s books, movies & traditions from around the world PLUS a 2019 Best Memories printable & 2020 Family Goals page too!ġ0:00 am – Celebrate New Year’s with Grapes, Pigs & Underwear OR use the New Year’s Eve Printable Countdown Pack which includes a printable chain, 25+ activity ideas and more! Just edit the times on the chain links to fit your family’s schedule, print them off and create an hour by hour countdown! Your kids will love helping with this one - just read some of the ideas we have below and pull together what you need. Set up an hour by hour countdown for the day! We also love doing this free printable year in review coloring page from Skip to my Lou each New Year’s Eve! Keep them all and you’ll have a wonderful time capsule of your kids as they grow.ĩ:00 am – Create a New Year’s Eve Countdown Talk about some of the highlights of the previous year – what was your favorite memory? What new things did you try as a family? Serve a favorite breakfast, maybe snowman pancakes or ‘snow’ waffles (use powdered sugar for the snow). Since it’s the last breakfast of the year, make it special! However you choose to bring in the year, we’re wishing you health, happiness & edventures in the New Year! Pick a few ideas or have an hour by hour countdown all day long if you like – in addition to creative activities, we’ve also included affiliate links for some of our favorite books and items too.Īnd many of these fun ideas will introduce your kids to how other countries bring in the New Year around the world. New Year’s Eve Activities: Hourly Countdown for Kids With these super fun activities, you can start your New Year’s Eve countdown anytime during the day - make it an all-day activity or just an after dinner countdown until your kids are ready for bed. Kids love a celebration (although most won’t stay awake long enough to see the ball drop in Times Square) so these fun ways to bring in the New Year are perfect for families! One of our fun winter traditions is a set of New Year’s Eve activities and countdown for kids & families to enjoy home!

Countdowns for kids